Operations governance

Operations Governance

FBC has developed a series of initiatives on the governance of fund operations. Members have access to a series of research studies, workshops and events designed to support fund boards as they think through challenges relating to overseeing service providers and risk management. 

FBC Operations Governance Services

Service Provider Oversight Research, Workshops and Benchmarking

FBC have conducted a study exploring the fund board’s role in service provider oversight, the challenges they face and how boards can leverage their service providers to provide additional insights and data to support effective decision-making. 

Fund Boards Council supports charities

Research findings will be shared with FBC members and will form the basis for a series of dedicated, bespoke workshop sessions and benchmarking we are creating to help fund board directors consider how effectively they are discharging their service provider oversight responsibilities, the questions they should be asking of their providers and what more value fund boards might be getting from them. 

Assessment of Value

Risk Management Oversight Research and Engagement​

FBC have conducted research into key aspects of how fund boards are approaching risk management oversight including areas such as operational resilience and liquidity risk.  FBC Corporate Members can receive the full report and a  framework of key questions/considerations to take back to their own board. 

Risk management oversight will be a theme running through a number of our corporate member events, including dedicated workshop style sessions giving directors and risk management professionals a chance to examine a ‘risk management’ scenario in real-time with peers and experts from the industry. 


Managing fund liquidity

Impact of the Ukraine war and rising interest rates and inflation

FBC welcomes back Sebastjan Smodis from State Street Global Advisers who we spoke with in 2021 on the theme of a ‘liquidity risk playbook’ which firms could use to manage fund liquidity. FBC corporate members can view this on demand in the FBC member portal.

A lot has happened in the year since we last spoke with Sebastjan, with market volatility and geopolitics certainly making sure that firms will have been putting their liquidity risk playbooks to good use!

In this podcast, Brandon Horwitz, FBC Senior adviser, discussing with Sebastjan how fund managers have been reacting to events over the past year including: the impact of the Ukraine war, rising interest rates and inflation (and the impact on fixed income investments) and the continuing impact of Covid-19. Another key theme is the role of fund boards in overseeing liquidity management activities in the past couple of years, including how they have interacted with executive teams in and outside of board meetings.

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