About Fund Boards Council

About us

FBC is an organisation exclusively focused on fund governance

FBC has extensive understanding of the intricacies and nuances of fund governance and its role within the wider governance structure of investment management firms.

Through internal expertise, industry advisers and key relationships with regulators, we have our finger on the pulse of the needs of fund boards and provide unique proprietary insight and support for fund boards and the senior executives who work closely with them.

Our unique singular focus on fund governance means we can support our corporate members and clients with access to unparalleled insight, latest thinking and deep expertise to help them address the challenges their fund boards are grappling with.  

About Fund Boards Council

What we offer

Membership Engagement

FBC’s corporate membership programme focuses on key issues facing fund boards, including fund board effectiveness, product and distribution governance, and responsible investment/ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance). The programme provides members with exclusive events with industry experts and regulators, thought leadership, proprietary tools and research, and other valuable content.

Regulator Relationships

FBC has an enviable reputation in its engagement with industry regulators as well as other statutory organisations.

This includes hosting dedicated discussion sessions with senior representatives from the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) with our corporate members. 

Bespoke Support

Fund boards in the UK and across Europe face a unique set of challenges and opportunities and therefore need bespoke support that only an organisation dedicated to fund governance can provide. Tailored to unique company situations, we offer expert led consultancy and training. 

Expertise spanning UK & Europe

Uncovering and promoting examples of excellence from the asset management industry, offering guidance and consultancy to firms who need our help and backing the industry-wide push for greater transparency, better governance and appropriate diversity on fund boards. 


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The benefits we offer to our Corporate Members


Benefits of FBC membership

By joining FBC, members gain valuable perspectives and assurance from an external and independent organisation with deep experience and expertise in fund governance; access to the collective insight and wisdom of our diverse fund board membership base and examples of good fund governance practice from the wider industry; and the opportunity to align themselves to a powerful advocate for the industry’s efforts to improve transparency, value and governance on behalf of investors.
Access to Highly relevant perspectives

Why join?

Fund boards have a fiduciary responsibility to effectively oversee a wide range of issues and risks on behalf of investors, often while also grappling with complex commercial dynamics of their wider firm or group of companies. Whilst some will be well supported with internal counsel, many find that being part of a members’ organisation like FBC gives them access to highly relevant external perspectives, assurance and validation that feeds into the fund governance work they are doing.