wholly dedicated to supporting fund boards, and the teams crucial to their success, to improve governance, transparency and value on behalf of investors, in the UK and cross-border.
We are passionate advocates for good fund board governance – promoting examples of excellence from the asset management industry where we find them, offering guidance, consultancy and training to firms who need our help. We actively support fund boards in delivering greater value, improved transparency and better governance for their investors.
Fund boards have a fiduciary responsibility to effectively oversee a wide range of issues and risks on behalf of investors, often while also grappling with complex commercial dynamics of their wider firm or group of companies.
They have a unique role in firms’ overall governance structure and FBC works closely and exclusively with fund board directors and their executive colleagues to provide access to highly relevant external perspectives, assurance and validation.
Access to fund governance insights and good practice for our members and clients including expert-led, fund board specific training and development
Dedicated expert advice and support programmes, tailored to the needs of your board and taking into account the regulatory environment.
Expert-led, fund board specific training and development across a wide range of relevant topics.
We are proud to have over 50% of UK fund boards and their investment governance colleagues, by mutual fund assets, as FBC members.
Through thought-leadership, practical insights on vital topics, collaboration, training and consultancy, we support and bring together our members and other senior executives, in delivering robust fund governance. A selection of our corporate clients are represented below.
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Keep up to date with the latest handpicked news and features relevant for fund boards.
Membership, Consultancy, Training and iNED Services for Fund Boards
10 September 2024, 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Latest FBC research with a focus on how firms are addressing Economies of Scale & questions about profitability, with a panel of fund board executive and non-executive directors.