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Profile interview – Phil Wagstaff, Fund Board Chair, Jupiter Asset Management

Date added: 28 September 2023
  • FBC News ,  
  • Features

In a career spanning over three-and-a half decades, Phil Wagstaff’s iNED ‘portfolio’ career is getting off to a solid start, but make no mistake, Phil knows his way around a fund manager’s boardroom better than most. As an executive director, and latterly as a non-executive director, Phil has had seven board roles (including two PLC boards), and executive committee experience with five leading asset managers. Today, he’s the iNED chair for a UK wealth management firm and will soon roll off Jupiter’s fund board as the NED chair, a board he has deftly navigated over the past four years.  

From his home office in Surrey, Phil sat down for an FBC Insight’s Profile interview, where he spoke at some length on a number of key and contemporary issues including the value he sees in the FCA’s Asset Management Market Study and the impact that recent regulations like Consumer Duty is going to have on the wider asset/wealth management segment. Phil also has some very timely advice for executives on the importance of “on-the-job” experience on boards even before they think they’re ready for a non-executive career, ending the interview on a personal note with thoughts on how he wants to spend his time in a post-executive world. 

Watch the full interview