FBC Digital Event: Fund Board Oversight of Liquidity Risk Management
16 April 2024, 2-3pm UK time
Managing liquidity risk is a core part of operating authorised funds, remaining high on the agenda of the FCA (with firms receiving a ‘Dear CEO’ letter in 2023 referring to the results of a thematic review).
The role of the fund board in overseeing liquidity risk management was a key focus of a recent FBC research project and we presented and discussed our findings at this digital event.
FBC Senior Adviser, Brandon Horwitz, shared the findings including addressing questions such as:
- Where and when is liquidity risk discussed as part of fund board oversight activities?
- How is the fund board involved in setting policy, risk appetite and dealing with significant liquidity events?
- What assurance do fund boards receive on the effectiveness of liquidity risk management controls?
- What type of Management Information do fund boards receive on liquidity risk?
- How have firms responded to the FCA’s 2023 Dear CEO letter and thematic review?
Senior Adviser, Fund Boards Council
Brandon is Fund Boards Council’s Senior Adviser, involved with developing FBC’s Assessment of Value analysis and assurance model for its members and leading FBC’s new proposition – offering bespoke training and coaching for boards and executives.
He is also the principal of NomBon Consulting and an experienced actuary and independent director, providing consulting to insurers, asset managers, banks and wealth managers on investment and pension proposition design, delivery, governance and distribution strategy.
Senior Adviser, Fund Boards Council
Peter has over 35 years’ experience working in the asset servicing industry, including spells in the Far East and USA, with a broad expertise of the financial services landscape across a number of sectors globally, including significant experience with asset managers, wealth managers and investment banks. In his executive career, Peter specialised in senior client facing roles, including managing director positions at Pershing and Standard Chartered Bank. Most recently he was Head of Client Management and Business Development at NatWest Trustee and Depository Services.
Peter has a B.Sc. in Electronic Engineering and spent the first years of his career working in Systems Development roles in Government and Finance. He also holds the IMC Part 1 and 2 qualification as well as the Certificate in ESG Investing from the CFA.