Overseas opportunity
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has published a consultation on how it plans to implement the Overseas Fund Regime (OFR), a new way for offering an overseas fund to UK retail investors. Response by 12 February 2024.
Slip slidin’ away?
The retail investment strategy has slipped down the EU agenda, according to Ignites Europe. Belgium, which takes over the presidency of the EU in January, disclosed that it will not be focusing on the strategy in the next few months as trilogue negotiations on it have not yet started.
Sustainable Investment / ESG
False footprints
Osmosis Investment Management‘s CEO, Ben Dear, says their research shows that companies awarded high ESG scores have poor so-called “environmental footprints”. In an interview in Ignites Europe, he also claims to have found a third-party provider that had incorrectly compared the carbon emissions of two of the largest companies in the world by using two different measures.
Market News
Vetting the value of Duty
Over two-thirds of advisers believe that conducting ‘Consumer Duty’ fair value assessments has been a “worthwhile” exercise, according to the ‘Meaning of Value’ report by Royal London and the Lang Cat. The report also highlights that the Consumer Duty has acted as a “catalyst” for change, with 37% of firms altering their fee structure after completing the fair value exercise.
Exacting taxes
An opinion piece by Investment Officer columnist, Gregory Kennedy, looks at the withholding tax advantage that Ireland has on US securities in comparison to Luxembourg. Read the article.
Board beginnings
Why are boards called boards and why is the chair role called the chair? Entertaining and informative article in Marketplace.
The FBC blog is now signing off for the December holidays and will be back in early 2024!
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