Key considerations for fund boards
Risk Management is a key topic for fund boards, particularly with the expectation from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) that Authorised Fund Managers (AFMs) ensure key risks are identified, monitored, and mitigated. While risk management of some AFM activities is often delegated to the AFM’s investment managers, group companies and/or third parties, accountability remains with the fund board, so effective oversight is crucial.
Continuing FBC’s focus on risk management oversight, new proprietary research is now available in the FBC Research Note – Risk Management: Key Considerations for fund boards.
Through a survey and focus groups with members of Authorised Fund Manager (AFM) boards in the UK, as well as other senior managers involved in fund board governance (e.g. Chief Risk Officers), this Research Note explores key themes including:
- how fund boards approach risk management
- where within the business risk management is considered
- what risks are currently top of mind
- how risk management could be undertaken more effectively.
The key findings are followed by recommendations for directors to consider in the context of their own fund governance work.
The research findings were also debated at an FBC corporate member digital event on 30th October. Led by FBC senior advisers, Brandon Horwitz and Peter Christmas, the session includes insights from Vicky Kubitscheck, fund board Non-Executive Director and Board Adviser specialising in risk, regulation and governance.
FBC corporate members can read the full FBC Research Note in the Member Portal.