Digital Meeting: 15 March 2023
It is clear that the regulator expects firms to have robust controls in place to address the issues in this 2021 communication before the upcoming Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) and investment labelling rules come into force (some time in 2024).
We were joined by Clare Wood, a fund board director at First Sentier Investors (UK) Limited, and covered themes such as the design, delivery and product governance of sustainable investment funds, as well as oversight of fund disclosure, other customer facing documents and website engagement.
Senior Adviser, Fund Boards Council
Brandon is Fund Boards Council’s Senior Adviser, involved with developing FBC’s Assessment of Value analysis and assurance model for its members and leading FBC’s new proposition – offering bespoke training and coaching for boards and executives.
He is also the principal of NomBon Consulting and an experienced actuary and independent director, providing consulting to insurers, asset managers, banks and wealth managers on investment and pension proposition design, delivery, governance and distribution strategy.
Global Head of Product, First Sentier Investors
Clare Wood is currently Global Head of Product for FSI and sits on the board of directors of certain of FSI’s operating entities and collective investment schemes in EMEA.
Dr Wood joined FSI in August 2018 as Global Head of Investment Assurance and her current role continues to oversee this activity.
Prior to this, Dr Wood was Head of Portfolio Risk Management at Kames Capital in Edinburgh and worked with the Fairfield Greenwich Group and Foundation Capital Strategies, in Bermuda.
Dr Wood has recently acted as Trustee of a hybrid defined benefit / defined contribution pension scheme and of a charity providing residential and day services for adults with learning disabilities.
Dr Wood holds a BSc Hons 1st Class degree in Pure and Applied Mathematics from the University of Sheffield and a Ph.D. from that University’s Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering.