Digital Discussion: Examining the role of the fund board chair, 21 March 2023

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Digital Discussion: Examining the role of the fund board chair, 21 March 2023 

An evolving governance role in board effectiveness

Digital Meeting: 2pm, 21 March 2023 

This FCA-designated senior manager function is currently held by over 70 individuals appointed as chairs of fund boards of UK authorised fund managers, whose role has grown markedly from supervising a product subsidiary regulated entity to one that also includes distribution governance, ESG/sustainability, operations, conduct and culture, to name a few. 

Drawing heavily on the recently released FBC Fund Board Composition database, this hour-long webinar will explore this evolving role of the chair, the impact of various regulatory intervention including the seminal Asset Management Market Study, and also reflect on some of the key aspects of what makes for a successful fund board chair. 

Four experienced fund board chairs will make up the panel of this FBC digital meeting, being moderated by FBC’s Shiv Taneja.



This event is open to members and non-members of FBC. Register online here.

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